<center>Stiletto Soul: Phoenix, AZ</center>

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Phoenix, AZ

As many of my regular followers may know, my brother recently got married. What you may not know is that my brother and sister-in-law have moved to Phoenix.

Fast forward a few months...

One day, Marcus text me saying,"Southwest is having good deals on flights." When you tell me about cheap travel, consider it booked. The same day I was told about these flights I booked a trip to visit Marcus and Roxanne (the sister-in-law). 

Ready or not!

On January 24, 2014, I left Albuquerque via air to Phoenix. After I landed, I read a text Marcus had sent, telling me that I needed to go to a specific location to be picked up by Roxanne. That reassurance left quickly when I didn't see Roxanne. Turns out we were on opposite sides of the baggage claim where there are two different pick-up areas.

Once I found Roxanne we drove toward their apartment near Paradise Valley. Before we decided to head to the apartment, we went for lunch at Breadcrafters Bakery & Cafe.  This cafe has a calmness around it, providing customers with home baked goods, fresh soups, and a variety of salads and sandwiches. I had the half chicken salad sandwich and tomato bisque soup. My plate was delightful and satisfying.

I just wanted to add this side note: I wasn't in Phoenix for two hours before I made a purchase. I bought these beauties on sale from Aldo!

Later that evening, Marcus, Roxanne and I decided we would go to Westgate and have dinner at Margaritaville. Westgate is a large entertainment district in Glendale. This district is strategically placed near the Jobing.com Arena, home of the Phoenix Coyotes (for those hockey fans) and the University of Phoenix Stadium, home of the Arizona Cardinals (for the football fans). There are a variety of restaurants to choose from with shopping throughout.

This time, the main event for us was Margaritaville. This place has become a tradition of sorts for our family to visit at its various locations ever since my parents went on a cruise with my aunt and uncle. All I know from that adventure is that a margarita was mixed in someone's mouth and someone offered to show my dad the "real Jamaica."

 After Margaritaville I had to get creative as to how I would get Marcus to go to Mill Avenue. His thinking around this area is a lot of drunk college students becoming belligerent and running amok. I on the other hand, think of it as an experience that everyone should have because you only live once. I told Marcus some story of another Westgate like area near Mill Avenue that I think he would enjoy. Sure enough, he went for it!

It didn't seem like many people were out until we found ourselves at an alternative looking bar called El Hefe. Of course we had to check out this scene and went in for a drink. If you ask me, the experience is all in the restroom. Marcus said that the men's restroom was small and had ZERO stalls. I guess the dudes are out of luck if they need some privacy. He also said that once you enter the bathroom it's like "HELLO!" because the first urinal is right next to the door!

The women's restroom on the other hand was made for privacy. There were tall, heavy looking, black doors for each stall. This restroom was tight as well being that if someone were in the first stall leaving as someone went into the bathroom, someone was getting hit in the face. Neither bathroom had sinks to wash your hands. Instead, you get to feel like your are feeding at a trough and washing your hands with both sexes in the hallway. I thought this was a great idea only for the fact that people are now held to higher accountability to wash their hands. If that girl you have been checking out went to the restroom at the same time as you, there is a high probability she will be turned off instantly if you skip the troughs.

 January 25, 2014

Today was a new day with the sun shining and the mountains calling our name for a morning hike. Well, it wasn't calling Marcus' or Roxanne's name as much as it was calling mine. Camelback Mountain was what we were to conquer by way of the Echo Trail. If you research this trail, you will find that reviews say it is difficult. That is not an understatement for the faint hearted. I, being the adventurous and outdoorsy sibling, was planning on climbing this bad boy for two weeks! However excited I was, it doesn't make for a fun story like the one of someone who hated life during the climb. So, I am going to walk you through this hike as if I never workout.

Whenever I go for a hike at home, there is always plenty of parking available at the entrance of the trail. Not at Camelback Mountain. You have to go around the round-a-bout about seven times at 2mph before you may enter the parking lot that is guarded by police and other state officials. Eventually, you are able to park and prep for the hike.

Starting out isn't too bad. Looking up at the neatly constructed, man-made trail, one would figure this trail is perhaps moderate at most. The most difficult challenge would be the incline you see before you. You may even stop to take a breather because you think you have passed the most difficult part of the trail.

Then you keep walking...

 Your heart will immediately drop as you look ahead at this 70 degree incline before your eyes with a pole installed to help you reach the top. You have got to be kidding me.

 You make one person go ahead to test the difficulty of this climb. You see this person go up with little struggle and get this false sense of hope that you too can climb this mountain. You forget to take into account that this person works out regularly and likes outdoor activities such as this. You attempt this climb and make it to the top. This accomplishment did not come without stopping midway for a breather or the thought of quitting. Once you reach the top of this section, you take a break and grab some water. You deserve to rest after what you just did. Go you!

 Okay, that must be the worst part of the hike because you see little kids coming back with their parents from the direction you are heading. You think to yourself that if these children can do this, so can you. This thought gives you a little hop to your step until you are confronted with another 70 degree incline, very similar to the one you just completed. You know you were able to do the last one and start to trick yourself into saying that it wasn't that bad. So, you go for it.

You make it to the top of this section, but can't go further without another break, this one longer than the last. You sit there thinking about what you did and feel proud that you can keep up with the little kids because they are no match for you. You also think about the road ahead and hope that you have finally passed the difficult part.

For now, you have it easy. You are able to take in the views and stop for some pictures. This is what you thought this hike would be like all the way through and are hopeful that this will be over soon.


You have barely begun the hike. Before you is a 60 degree incline without a pole as a safety tool. You watch other hikers climb the mountain and see them straining themselves and using their hands to get from rock to rock. You stand there knowing that the one in shape person in your group will not be happy if you quit now, so you just 'man up' and make your way up this section without a complaint... at least a verbal complaint.

After you finish this incline, you feel like your legs are about to give out on you. You are serious about needing a break this time and will not go anywhere until your breath has caught up with you. One and a half water bottles later, you are ready to go a little further. You are immediately discouraged because you see another rock-climbing section just as difficult or more than the last. Your mind begins to go numb because you just want this to be over and figure the quicker you begin, the quicker you are done. So you just do it. And you do, but you see that you have to do it a third time. You now want the person who wanted to do this to hurt themselves, not in a mean way, but a slip or trip would suffice. You are now driven by obligation. You wonder if this is what death feels like, a total numbing over the body. You don't feel the pain of your muscles anymore or don't have many thoughts other than your will to survive.

You have now made it to the top. You can see many people standing around, taking pictures, and relaxing. You are so thrilled that you don't show any emotion. Your body still wants to collapse but you won't let it because you made it. Why not join the crowd and take in the views?

The hike down is like knowing you got an 'A' on a test that you actually studied for that determines your life's future and survival.

Now wasn't that fun? I thought it was! It was a challenge and I accomplished it. If you are into hiking, this is definitely a place you want to visit. Just be sure to take a lot of water.

After the hike, all three of us were hungry. We decided that we deserved a burger and went to the Habit. I much prefer this place over the infamous In-n-Out, but it is no Fuddrucker's. I liked that you can have lettuce replace your bun and give you sweet potato fries as an option. If you want something fast to eat, but don't want McDonald's, I would choose the Habit.

After a few hours of laying out by the pool and resting, it was time to eat again. We all agreed on pizza and ate at Streets of New York. Once we walked in, we would hear Marcus say, "I like this place," at least two dozen times. That is not a dramatization. He said he like the place for the paintings on the wall, selection of beers, the look of the pizza, and the quiet, casual atmosphere. Don't get me wrong, this place was delicious, but I can confirm that Marcus likes it.

January 26, 2014

Today was filled with some more exploring! I could tell that I was wearing Marcus out because he didn't talk much on this beautiful Sunday morning. By my request, we went to Saint Mary's Basilica for mass. It was just our luck that they would be performing Baptisms during the mass we decided to attend. If you are Catholic, you understand. Regardless of time, the Basilica was decorated similar to churches in New Mexico with a  southwest flare.

The stained glass was beautiful inside the Basilica. The outside was clean with clear lines and shapes created out of adobe. 

Look at that blue sky!

 After mass, we went to see the Hole in the Rock. I was excited to see this formation, but my brother was not as enthused. Yes, there is a short hike that could take up to 15 minutes if you are walking leisurely. This hike is a cake walk in comparison to the hike we took the day before.

This hole is not the main event...
 This hole was nature made and is large enough for a group of people to walk through. It is in the same area as the Phoenix Zoo so may as well walk up this hill to take a look at the Papago Park, home to the Hole in the Rock.

Roxanne's view of my picture
Marcus and me at the top

After the Hole in the Rock, we did something we could all agree on. We ate. Roxanne had heard of a New Mexican restaurant in Scottsdale called Carlsbad Tavern. The name alone seemed legit, so why not?

If you are feeling homesick (applies to New Mexicans), this place is a great area to feel like you are at home. The bar area is filled with New Mexico memorabilia from the state flag to the different license plates.

I liked their creativity around the menu. Rather than the typical look, this restaurant had newspapers that gave Carlsbad Tavern's back story with a few fun facts about New Mexico. It also had a menu filled with New Mexican cuisine with a little Mexican flare.
If you know Spanish... this menu may seem sketch!

In our opinion, not our number one pick. The green chile was great but the whole plate wasn't appetizing. If you decide to give this place a second shot, I wouldn't be against it. I would order the carne adovada burrito and a margarita. Those taste scrumptious!

 January 27, 2014

Monday would be my last day in Phoenix. It was a relaxing day with Roxanne because Marcus had to work. We went for pedicures and shopped at Scottsdale Fashion Square. When you go to the Fashion Square, be sure to hit up Zoes Kitchen for lunch. It was a lighter fare that didn't leave out the taste. I also heard some teens talking about Sauce Pizza & Wine. It is located next to Zoes Kitchen and was said to be amazing.

Short story, but great day!

Until the next adventure...

1 comment:

  1. I just happened to check to see if you had written new stuff and you HAD! Another great story. I think I will have to see what other stories I have missed. Keep writing!
