<center>Stiletto Soul: My Return to Albuquerque</center>

Saturday, February 2, 2013

My Return to Albuquerque

July - December 2012

Okay. So, I have been back in Albuquerque for about six months and so much has happened! In honor of these life events I have decided to update y'all with multiple posts. Lucky you!

Let's rewind to July 3, 2012...

The plane finally touches American soil at Albuquerque International Sunport. The trip was rather rough considering I had a small get together the night before I left Durham and unfortunately for me, I looked the part. Despite knowing I didn't look all too hot, I was happy to be in a familiar environment. Once we were released from the plane, I headed straight to the baggage claim. I was a little nervous my parents forgot to pick me up or somehow had the time confused because they weren't at the security checkpoint, nor were they down at the baggage claim. I was about ready to borrow some random's cell phone when I see the two walking through the door. Long time no see!

We were in the jeep, driving North on I-25 and it was so nice to see the beautiful Sandia Mountains, our clear, blue skies, and the crazy drivers on Albuquerque's road. It was getting close to dinner, but there was one person I neglected to tell that I was coming back so soon... Marcus.

We drive up to Dick's Sporting Goods, the place of Marcus' first job and I walk in to surprise him. I ask the girl at the door where he is located, but he was not where she had said. So, I stealthily walk around the store, dodging behind clothes racks and ducking below tables. It took a while but I spotted Marcus walking toward the back room with a shopping cart. I tried to sneak up behind him, but Marcus was turning the corner and saw someone running up behind him. When I was standing next to him, it took a minute or two for Marcus to realize what was going on. "What are you doing here?" Marcus said. He just stared at me and I asked if I could at least get a hug. I would say my surprise was a great success.  After, my Mom and Dad came into the store and we all chatted for a bit and left for dinner. It is customary for New Mexicans to eat at a New Mexican restaurant after they return from a trip, no matter the length of time gone... so, here I come Los Cuates!

July 4

I haven't told my family that I have returned from England so my parents decided to have a potluck at our house. I almost got caught by my cousin, Rebecca. I uploaded a picture from the Rio Rancho parade to my Facebook account and minutes later she writes me a message asking if I were home. I quickly said that my Mom sent it to me. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! But I was okay for now.

Later that afternoon, we were preparing for family to come over. The door bell rings. It's showtime. It is Grandma and Grandpa Carrillo. I hide by our chimney and wait for them to come outside to the backyard. Once I hear them, I casually walk out  into view and wait for their response. Their reaction started out like Marcus' with just staring and "What are you doing here?!" Then... Grandma started crying. We all hugged; it was a sentimental moment.

I can't quite remember the order of people who came after that, but I do remember people coming in. When Uncle Armando came over, he was talking about something, looked at me, continued talking, then stopped, looked at me again and asked, "Why are you here?" He almost caught me too. A few days prior, he had Skyped me with AJ and Diego. He noticed that the pin board on my wall that used to be covered with photos and cards was completely empty. I covered myself by saying I was reorganizing the board, giving me something to do in between writing my dissertation. Again, I had gotten away with the white lie until need be.

When Michael came over, he had given me a hug before he realized I was here. He didn't even mention anything until we asked if he realized I was here. He was very casual about the whole thing. His mother on the other hand, reacted a little differently. Once she saw me, Auntie Carol started bawling. The hug she gave me was so big, I about suffocated in her well endowed self.

Auntie Anne and Uncle Edward came last... I think. They came through the back gate. Auntie Anne didn't look in my direction and carried on with her business. Uncle Edward spotted me straight away and stopped in his tracks, tilted his head to the right and looked at me with a quizative look.

Each encounter was priceless. I was so happy to see everyone and it meant so much that everyone seemed to have really missed me in return.

July 5, 2012

My brother is sweating bullets. Should he do it? Should he wait? How will he do it? All of these were last minute questions Marcus was asking himself, out loud, because today, he will ask Roxanne to marry him!

He had just picked up the ring he had designed (about a week before I returned) and didn't know when he would pop the question. I know Marcus had wanted me to be there when he proposed, but he didn't want to wait until September, when I was initially scheduled to return. But since I was back, there was apparently no time to waste.

That evening, Marcus took Roxanne to Old Town for dinner. I was to be there in the square to take pictures of him proposing. As soon as I parked in the Little Anita's parking lot, a location that would hide my car so Roxanne didn't know I would be there, Marcus called me from the bathroom in the restaurant (I don't remember which one).

"Are you here?" "My stomach is upset." "I didn't finish my food." These were all things Marcus told me as soon as I answered. Was this football season? When Marcus was younger, before every YAFL game he would have to go to the bathroom. Apparently he was nervous.

He told me I was to get ready because they were about to leave. So, I rushed to a small boutique, opposite of the Church. This gave me a clear view to the gazebo, the place Marcus was to propose to Roxanne. It wasn't long before I saw Marcus and Roxanne were in view. As it got closer and closer to the moment, I would shake more and more. I was getting nervous for my brother, my best friend, and my partner in crime. I knew the moment was coming because Marcus was acting awkwardly and looking at the floor. I am shocked I didn't drop the camera with the level of shaking I was producing. In a matter of a second, Marcus was on his knee, Roxanne said yes, and they were giving each other a hug. Roxanne must have said 'Yes' so quickly that Marcus wasn't down on his knee before she answered.

While they were embracing one another, I was waving to Marcus. Brightened by his huge smile, Marcus gave me a little wave. They left the gazebo and walked toward his truck. I waited a minute or two and walked back to the jeep. I drove home, calming my nerves, and made it home just in time for a toast to their engagement. They had gone to Roxanne's parent's house before they came to ours. We opened a bottle of champagne and toasted to this occasion. Roxanne asked me to be her bridesmaid, and without hesitation I said, "Of course!"

Old Town, Albuquerque

Marcus' truck parked in the Old Town Plaza

The Gazebo

Pulling out the ring

Down for 2.5 seconds and up!

Marcus sees me and gives a wave

Marcus and Roxanne's Engagement Photo

I am so proud and happy for my brother. It warms my heart that Marcus has found someone who is as special as Roxanne. They will have a wonderful life together. Best of all, I gain a sister!

The final occasion in this post will be Marcus' graduation. He graduated with a Bachelor's in Science in Civic Engineering. He is such a nerd, but I guess that could be calling the kettle black.

The 7 Dorks of Engineering

Marcus is finally taller than Audrey!

Dad's speech to Marcus

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