<center>Stiletto Soul: London part deux</center>

Sunday, April 1, 2012

London part deux

March 18 - 31, 2012

The last time I came to London, it was what some would call typical England, cold and rainy. During my visit, I didn't really see all that London had to offer and saw only a few of the monuments. Following this 'touristy' visit, I was spending time with the Thom family for the Christmas holiday which was amazing! I was able to get a feel for life in London, in a real house, with true English traditions. This time around, I was able to do it all over again and so much more!

Ready to rock London sporting my vintage coat and pineapple bun!
The main reason why I came to London again was for a two-week job experience with a leading PR firm, Freud Communications, located in a prime location near Oxford Street. Once again, I must thank the Thom's for this trip, because it would have never happened if it weren't for them! Katy, Jo's older sister, works at Freud. She did me a huge favor and pushed along my resume to HR to be considered for work experience. Furthermore, the Thom's were kind enough to offer me a place to sleep for another two weeks while I stayed for the work experience.

My experience at Freud was nothing short of amazing! I feel as though I finally found what I want to do for a career. I was placed on the Entertainment team, which works with clients like M&Ms, Walkers Crisps, Cesar, Guiness, and Birds Eye. I think I shocked my "supervisor" in how quick of a learner I was when delegated tasks. As a result, I was given many responsibilities and able to participate in loads of projects.

The first week was CRAZY busy (which I love)! I had the great opportunity to work on an event for Birds Eye. We were promoting Birds Eye Fish Fusions, a new product that is available in three different flavors: lemon and black pepper, chili and lime, and garlic and herb. We conducted two events, on two different days, at two magazine locations. Our team hired people to 'set the stage' for the editors of the magazines as they sampled the product. We also had a wine connoisseur who added a 'mature' feel to the event. We served the fish fillets with Birds Eye rice fusions (delicious) and a few other sides. Turnout was fantastic!

55 Newman Street... Freud Communications
Freud had loads of great artwork around. This one was one of my favs!

This car is TINY! I would always see it parked near Freud. The funny part is that I saw a rather tall man driving it...

The set of the Birds Eye event
LJ checking out the Facebook video we produced.

Leftover wine... don't mind if I do!
They really don't understand the restraint I used to not play with this bubble wrap. Look at it! It's just calling for someone to wrap a person up and roll 'em around while it goes "pop pop pop!" hahaha
My beautiful work for our M&Ms mail-out!
I was also able to work on send outs for M&Ms, Walkers crisps, and Birds Eye. Good thing I was in a sorority, my crafting skills definitely came in handy!

My "job well-done" gift from my team. It included bits of everything I worked on. Thanks team! x

Abokado, a great, healthy lunch spot near Freuds!

Pinkberry... I had to! I love fro-yo!

Over the weekend I was able to be a tourist again. My friend Alex, from Durham, took me around Covent Garden, which was an adventure in itself. He told me he would be an excellent tour guide, but I never knew a tour guide who needed GPS and had to ask around for directions as much as he did. I am pretty sure I had a better sense of direction, but we won't tell him that. The first stop was The Icecreamists. If you haven't heard of this place, I will be the first to tell you it's an experience. This isn't your ordinary ice cream parlor. The Icecreamists once had a flavor of ice cream called 'Gaga'. If you don't believe me click on this link I provided for you. This flavor, named after the infamous Lady Gaga, had an ingredient not used anywhere else. It was breast milk. Yes, you read that correctly. Breast milk. This flavor would go for over £12! My guess is that you are definitely paying for the experience.

This thing was freaky, so I had to take a picture
Carnaby Street

Much to Alex's relief, they were out of the GaGa. If they had it, I would be sure to try it, and he would have been forced by me to give it a go as well. As it turns out, The Icecreamists had to do away with the flavor because there was a concern that HIV could be transmitted through the milk. But don't worry, I tried a flavor that will be sure to shock you just the same. Alex was boring, he had the lemon sorbet and a popcorn flavored ice cream cone. I had one scoop of raspberry sorbet because I absolutely love the stuff, but the other scoop was 'Sex Bomb'. This ice cream had pieces of Viagra mixed in. Yes, I ate it. Yes, it was good. No, I did not feel like I had to "get it on." However, I was warned that if you had enough of the ice cream, it would have the same effect as taking the pill. Like I said, it was definitely an experience.

The Icecreamists

Raspberry Sorbet and Sex Bomb
After the ice cream, Alex and I wondered around Covent Garden and I took pictures of any Jubilee eggs I could find. This year is The Queen's Diamond Jubilee celebration. In celebration with Easter, an events committee put together a competition with various artists decorating eggs and distributing them around London for people to find. I found quite a few during my visit, but nowhere near the 200 that were around.

This one is my favorite!

This one was a sneaky egg placed in a Bentley shop window.

On our journey through Covent Garden, we happened to walk straight to the M&M's World shop! I was excited because A. I have been to (I am pretty sure) all of the M&M's World locations B. Freud works with them and I felt cool because I was 'in the know' and C. Alex had never been to one before! I know, blasphemy! Though he was amazed by the large, rainbow of M&M's wall, he definitely looked uncomfortable with so many people around. I felt bad so we left. But that wasn't the end of M&M's World. We started to wonder up the street, Alex pretending he knows where he was going, when a young girl touched his arm and asked quickly, "mm-n-mm?" Alex had absolutely no idea what she was saying, but because I have the mindset of a 12-year-old, I knew straight away that the girl meant the M&M's World. Behind her was a group of people, obviously her family, none of which knew English. Alex asked if they knew Italian (because he is fluent). In response, they said, "No.... Espana." While Alex stands there not really knowing what to do, I get a smile on my face. For once, my ability to speak Spanglish is about to come in handy! As soon as I point them in the right direction and say, "Down the street and a la izquierda (to the left). Next to the big building con un dub-lu-ve (W)" the entire family was glowing with excitement saying "I know! I know!" I walked away like a BOSS.

The "Great Wall of Chocolate"

We went to Cote for dinner. This is a nice 'French meets Italian' restaurant located in Covent Garden. I had the Grilled Chicken and Walnut salad and was prepared quite nicely. I can't remember what Alex had, but it was good as well. We both had a glass of the house wine with our meal. Alex also showed me where the National Museum is located and took me to a few London pubs.

Chicken and walnut salad
On the 25th, I took on London by myself. In one day I visited the Abbey Road Zebra Crossing, the Tate Modern Museum, St. Paul's Cathedral, Tower Bridge, Big Ben (again), Westminster Abbey (again), St. James Park (again), Buckingham Palace (again), and The Green Park. All in that order. If you do not know why the Abbey Road Zebra Crossing is cool to see, then you either live on a rock or are far too young. This is the zebra crossing the Beatles used for an album cover outside of the Abbey Road Studios. Naturally, I had to take a picture, but I am hoping to see this again when my parents come so I can get a better picture.

Unfortunately there was construction being done, so I couldn't take the complete picture. Hopefully I will be able to capture the shot again with my parents in June.

Abbey Road Studios
People come by sign their names on the wall.
You can't see it because it is in pen, but I signed the wall vertically.
Next stop was the Tate Modern. If you fancy yourself some nice pieces of modern art, this is a definite must see. Now, I didn't pay to see the entire museum, but I wasn't let down with the free collections. I was fortunate enough to see some of Picasso's paintings as well as some other innovative works. Oh, did I mention the Museum is free?! Many of the museums in London are free entry, with some exhibits limited to payment entry. This is great for those of us who don't have a lot to spend or don't like the conversion rate between the GBP£ and the USD$.


This is one that I would complain about being art... it was literally rocks placed on the ground to be a target. Other than the fact that I probably did this as a kid, the only thing that I could think of is what would happen when they clean?

I studied the Guerilla Girls in one of my classes at UNM. This wall is filled with their adverts.

The Tate Modern building
After I left the Tate Modern, I walked across the Millennium Bridge to see St. Paul's Cathedral. Like all cathedrals, it is a large, Gothic inspired building that you cannot miss even if you tried. I found it to be quite calming. I don't know if it was the blooming trees, the lovely weather or what, but it felt magnificent.

Millennium Bridge

St. Paul's Cathedral

I walked along the river to get to the Tower of London and the Tower Bridge. I know, it is quite shocking I didn't do this in my first trip, but I just couldn't be bothered with it being cold and all. Unfortunately, the draw bridge doesn't open on Sundays, so I couldn't see that, but it was still pretty cool to see. I am not sure if I should be sharing this, but all I could think about (and I do this in front of Buckingham Palace as well) is think of the Spice Girls in their Spice Bus in the Spice World movie. Ha ha that's a lot of spice!

The Tower of London

Using the self-timer to get a shot with me in it!

And yet I still went in...

Where the draw bridge comes together

Again, practicing the self-timer!

Tower Bridge

Because I had the time, and the weather was simply wonderful, I thought why not go see the other sites that I have already seen in sunny weather? So, I did just that! I went to see the London Bridge, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, St. James Park, Buckingham Palace, and the Green Park. There are no words other than amazing to describe London at its best. I am starting to love this place! I decided that when my parents visit in June (yay!) I will make them have lunch in St. James Park. It is perfect for it!

London Bridge

Big Ben
St. James' Park
Buckingham Palace

Oxford Street by night

As I mentioned before, I was fortunate to stay with the Thom family again. Mr. Thom, aka Alistair, is a preacher at St. Luke's Church. Because of his profound position, he is given a pass to both Westminster Abbey and St. Paul's Cathedral. I was thrilled when he offered the passes to me! Unfortunately I didn't have time to go visit both sites again, so I chose Westminster Abbey. It is BEAUTIFUL! I never realized that so many royals were buried there along with dedications to famous people such as William Shakespeare. You aren't allowed to take pictures, but of course, I feel the need to do when I am told to not, so I took some sneaky photos which barely do the place justice!

Westminster Abbey

Some important dude leaving Parliament on his Harley
The courtyard in Westminster Abbey
The ceiling... I just loved it!

And..... this is where I will be standing next to Harry when we get married...

The altar.... where Will & Kate said "I do."
On my final day at Freud, I decided I was going to visit an art exhibition that I would pass by every day called Paradise Row. I looked online, and it was free, which is just my language! There were two exhibits being shown, Birdhead by Ji Weiyu and Song Tao. I didn't manage to take pictures of their exhibit, but it was a gallery filled of black and white photos, displaying current events, people, and animals. The other gallery featured Justin Coombes poetry and and photos called Project Space. Some of his work can be seen below.

The final thing I did on this trip to London was visit the Chocolate Festival on Southbank. It felt like a sin just being there! As you will see below, there were stands filled with chocolate chip cookies, chocolate ice cream, chocolate chilie, chocolate vodka... you name it, and it was there! It was fun to go to a festival like this to do something not everyone would have the opportunity to do. Chocolate lovers beware... you won't want to leave. If you do, I bet you will go back the next day. Why? Because they give free samples.

This is where you can find me.
Cupcakes galore
Chocolate vodka

Brownies and fudge

They had actual chocolate in their Texas style chilie (it wasn't New Mexican food... but TexMex)

Yes, I tried it. Yes, it was gross. Yes, I am glad I tasted it for the experience. And yes, if you smoke you would probably love this stuff. And hey, it is probably cheaper than cigarettes! hahaha


  1. Alicia, after I came into your old position Elizabeth Livesay introduced me to your blog and I really enjoyed the reading, so check back from time to time to see if you have posted anything new. You are such a good descriptive writer I get a good laugh every time. You put so much personality into your writing it is easy to see you are having wonderful time and learning so much studding abroad. Good luck and enjoy the rest of the time you have there I will be looking forward to your next new blog. Isaac

    1. Isaac, I am glad I can entertain you as you sit there at that ever so exciting desk! haha! I am having a great time here in England and am excited I can share this experience with everyone back home. I hope you are doing well and learning quickly on the job. Elizabeth is a wonderful guide!
