<center>Stiletto Soul: Galway, Ireland</center>

Friday, January 6, 2012

Galway, Ireland

November 25-27, 2011

It was just before summative season that Cara and I decided to take a trip to Ireland. We were able to stay with her friend Annie in Galway. It was a short, three-day vacation that included site-seeing, shopping, and a pub crawl. 

Note of Caution: Getting to Ireland was probably the biggest hassle of the trip. Cara and I flew Ryanair. We have heard many horror stories about this airline and their terrible service, so we were skeptical as we boarded our plane. Much to our surprise, the service was just fine, it was a passenger that became an issue. Cara and I were able to board the plane early so that we could get a seat next to one another, I sat in the aisle. As we waited for the rest of the passengers to board, I sat there in my seat quietly attempting to relax. Just when I was reaching a state of peace, I black out, seconds later I wake up on Cara's lap, and look around to see what had happened. My head instantly started to feel pain, so I look up as if something had fallen on top of me. When I look up, some chick was just staring at me and eventually said she was sorry. Apparently, this chick wasn't paying attention to what she was doing and dropped her suitcase on top of my head! I was fuming, however I didn't cause a scene, though I probably should have. Turns out I had a concussion and felt it for about two weeks after I got back to Durham. I am very lucky that the concussion wasn't so severe that I had to go to a hospital. However, I strongly advise everyone to pay attention to those idiots who don't pay attention to what they are doing on a plane. You can avoid head trauma. 

Now that I have finished ranting for now, we arrive in Dublin. This was the first time, other than going to England, that I had to get a stamp on my passport. I was as excited as a fat kid in McDonald's, scarfing a four piece McNugget Happy Meal with barbeque sauce! (P.S. I definitely ate a McNugget Happy Meal with barbeque sauce on the way home... I may be a fat kid...) Cara thought I was silly wanting to go through customs, but unlike her worldly self, I haven't travelled to many countries. This was exciting stuff! The first night we were there, Annie took us out to one of her favorite Irish pubs for dinner. We decided we didn't want to have a crazy night because we were planning on taking a bus tour in the morning.

The first stop on our tour was taking a hike in a portion of the Burren National Park. This would have been a pretty awesome tour had it not been raining. And can you say HOLY WIND?! I seriously thought I was going to blow away! Cara was joking about having a rope tied around my body and using me as a kite! Not cool, but we were troopers and enjoyed ourselves regardless. The views were still amazing and I got to pet an Irish sheep!

The next stop was the Cliffs of Moher. Despite the rain, wind, and low visability, the views were spectacular! If you are like me, you like to feel a little bit of an adrenaline rush. You could say that looking down to the violent waves crashing against the rocks at the bottom of the cliffs was enough fun for one day. Oh, and there aren't any railings as you walk up toward each individual cliff. So mind your step, one huge blast of wind and you are free-falling to your death. 

I was personally entertained by the caution signs that were around. They were rather obvious warnings, telling you that if you get too close to the edge of the cliffs you may fall. Just about everyone neglected the Extreme Danger sign (below to the right). That is where you can walk on top of the cliffs and look down into the water. Seeing this reminds me of the quote from the Lion King, "I laugh in the face of danger, ha ha ha ha ha!" To get a feel for how windy it was, just check out the hair!

The tour we went on was pretty cool because it's like they knew what we all wanted to do, party! They invited us to a Galway Pub Crawl. Of course we couldn't turn this opportunity down, so we decided to join the fun that evening at different pubs and bars. There were dance floors, birthday parties, random pick-up lines, and mechanical bulls. Needless to say, it was a good time.

It was sad to already be on our final day of our weekend trip, but we made that last day count. Cara, Annie, and I went to the original Thomas Dillion Clauddagh Ring store and couldn't leave without making a purchase. If you don't know, these Clauddagh Rings are an Irish tradition similar to that of an engagement ring. On the ring, you can see two hands holding a heart with a crown on top. If the heart is pointing toward the heart, that person's heart is taken. If the heart is pointing away from the heart, they are single and ready to mingle.

If you didn't know, I am a European mutt when it comes to my heritage. Until this trip, I didn't realize how Irish I actually was, but my last name was everywhere! Check it out, I even have my own special tea!

Our final morning in Galway was dedicated to the Galway Christmas Market. This was fun to go to because it was kicking off the Christmas season with cheer! I walked away with some Russian looking earmuffs. My Dad said my Grandma (Barry) would be proud of her little Russian Princess (yes, I am Russian as well). 

Some of the tents were irresistable! The baked goods and candies filled the air with the smell of happiness and comfort! The pictures only give it a little credit! 

And I don't know why.... but we thought this sign was pretty funny. Cara and Annie thought it was funny because they had a Dayton (their undergraduate University) moment. As for me, I thought the obvious outline of a corn dog that this sign provided was highly entertaining.

Galway was an amazing weekend getaway. I would like to visit Dublin at some point, but you can't go wrong in Ireland. I hear the Guinness Factory is something to check out!

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